City Courthouse 96, 97, 98, 99, 100

Nice one.

This is the final installment from the City Courthouse project file, but I suspect that these blocks may appear in a new colourway sometime in the future.


When you can get results like the one above by making the same block with the colours moved around a bit, why are so many quilts made with identical blocks?

A few relatively small changes and you get the results above, which is why I love Electric Quilt. Even when I get a design I love, I can save it and make changes to see if there is something better just waiting for me to play a bit more.

Mind you, I have learned the hard way to save lots of designs, then go back and delete any which don’t quite work as well as I thought they had. However, in doing that i probably often delete designs which others may like much more than I do.

Another interesting design.

One last design and another project file goes into retirement.

More Log Cabin designs next week, mid week.

About Virtual Quilter

I am a quilter who designs many more quilts than I will ever make, and I am sharing one quilt design every day in Virtual Quilter. I also share my completed projects in Stuff-Ups, and Christmas decorations in Christmas Everyday of the Year.
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