Invitation to Elevenses

A reminder that you can join me for Elevenses next Sunday 28th February. You can just come along for the show and tell, or you can be part of the show. If you have electric Quilt 6 leave a comment below and I will send a copy of the project file with the samper quilt.

The full story is here.

Here are the details of the challenge if you are interested.

Would you like to play with me?

I won’t post any virtual designs using this selection of blocks until February 28th 2010. If you ask nicely before then I will send you the project file so you can have a go too.

There is a condition …… either blog some of your results, or send me some pictures of your designs if you haven’t got a blog. With appropriate links of course, but I would really just love to see what others would do with these blocks. For that matter, I want to see what I get!

I would love to see what you create with the file, and hope you will be willing to share on your blog if you have one, or by sending picture files to me so I can share them on my blog.

You can …..

…… change the fabrics

…… use sashing, or not, as you wish, including adding contrast fabric to just some of the sashing

……. change the number of blocks

……. use blocks on point

…….. but please don’t change the blocks!

Please don’t publish anything until after the 28th of February, 2010, so that anyone else who has the project file has a chance of working on their own for a while, and when you do publish please add a link to my blog. Let me know when you publish and I will add a link to your blog from the Elevenses Album page I will have ready to go when we start sharing our designs with the rest of the world.

I would love a photo of any quilt you make using your version of the quilt. Save this email address, or leave a comment on the blog and I will reply with an address.

Join me for Elevenses on February 28th, and hopefully a few of you will serve Elevenses over the following few days, or weeks!

I will put my designs, your designs and links to your blogs featuring your designs on their own special page. I will ask for your efforts when I post the first of mine. You can show the blocks in the sampler as they are above, with same or different colours, but no posting of your designs early, but I would love to see a selection in the first week of March. You can keep posting as long as you like, or until you run out of designs.

About Virtual Quilter

I am a quilter who designs many more quilts than I will ever make, and I am sharing one quilt design every day in Virtual Quilter. I also share my completed projects in Stuff-Ups, and Christmas decorations in Christmas Everyday of the Year.
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2 Responses to Invitation to Elevenses

  1. Diane F says:

    I need too get to know my EQ6 better, so playing along with you will help me with that. Could you send me the files.
    I will email you privately.


  2. Beth Patrick says:

    Hey Judy! There is a week to go,, surely I can whip up some designs and a blog post by then,,,
    it will give me something to think about while at work, too!
    Sounds like fun!
    Beth in Dallas


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