Gums, Wattles and Waratahs 1, 2, 3

Started playing with Aussie flora designs a couple of years ago, then lost them … and found them yesterday after my early morning session playing with Desert Pea designs. There are three project files, with just a few designs in each one, and I will share them today and tomorrow.

The sizes of native Australian flowers varies from small to big, and in the design above the yellow balls of the wattles are usually half an inch or smaller, while the banksias are at least fist size, so these designs do not show them in scale.

The corner blocks in the design above are a wattle, one of a kind with long spikes about 2 inches long instead of the usual balls of fluff.

The colours depicted in the last design are a result of my own virtual plant breeding, while trying to find some pink, red, orange fabrics to use in the designs. Should have made a second coffee before I went looking in the Electric Quilt fabric library!

About Virtual Quilter

I am a quilter who designs many more quilts than I will ever make, and I am sharing one quilt design every day in Virtual Quilter. I also share my completed projects in Stuff-Ups, and Christmas decorations in Christmas Everyday of the Year.
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