Watching Grass Grow 9, 10

This project file was started one day when I was uninspired and bored stiff.

It was the sort of day when you would like to sit around and watch grass grow if it was nice outside. It wasn’t a nice day so I played with some grass inside, and it grew faster than the stuff outside but I didn’t have to pull it up.

The ones around the outside of the second design were the first generation of weeds as they were before I added a central flower. Now that I have opened up the project file again I am thinking about adding flowers on some stems amongst the grass. Hope you enjoy looking at these, and I hope I can find time today to get some stemmed flowers to appear.

About Virtual Quilter

I am a quilter who designs many more quilts than I will ever make, and I am sharing one quilt design every day in Virtual Quilter. I also share my completed projects in Stuff-Ups, and Christmas decorations in Christmas Everyday of the Year.
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