Virtual Challenge October 2019

EQ can turn blocks into quilt settings at the click of a button, but there is a catch. The blocks must be made up of squares and rectangles, no triangles or any other shapes which involve any angles other than right angles.There are quite a few blocks which can be used in the Electric Quilt library, but you can draw your own and add them to your own library.

Today’s virtual quilts have been designed on a setting created in this way, and the one above as well. Below is the same design with the blocks outlined. The blocks I have used are not particularly interesting as pieced blocks, but they are fine as quilt settings.

Your challenge this month is to draw some pieced blocks using straight lines and right angles.

Start a new project file, and name it something like “Blocks for Quilt Settings’, and then start drawing lines, up, down and across. They can be symmetrical as mine are here, but they don’t have to be, providing all the angles are right angles, and all the lines are straight.

If you get some blocks which look good as pieced blocks that is a bonus.

This challenge is to just draw some blocks, but if you want to try them out as quilt settings on the Quilt worktable choose Quilt at the top left hand side of the screen, and from the drop down menu choose Create Quilt from Block, and it will show any blocks in the current file which can become quilt settings.

However, this months challenge is to just draw some suitable blocks!

About Virtual Quilter

I am a quilter who designs many more quilts than I will ever make, and I am sharing one quilt design every day in Virtual Quilter. I also share my completed projects in Stuff-Ups, and Christmas decorations in Christmas Everyday of the Year.
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2 Responses to Virtual Challenge October 2019

  1. Laura says:

    Judy, I love that center block! 🙂


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