Bush Garlands 9, 10

Today I am sharing two colourways of the same design, first with a slightly off white, light sandy coloured fabric.

The second the background is a total black out!

I love both of them, and I also love the Mitchell Hopping mice which found their way into the designs. I had a close encounter with a hopping mouse during a mouse plaque many years ago.

I had traps set all around the house to catch any, and hopefully every mouse which found it’s way indoors, but rarely saw any mice except in the traps, until one day I wandered into the kitchen and noticed a mouse moving across the floor, but just as I was about to take action, I thought that it was unusual for a mouse to cross a room. They scurry around edges and under furniture. This one was hopping, and I realized it was not one of the breed which had taken up residence in the linen cupboard, it was a Mitchell Hopping mouse, a native of the Australian bush.

I closed the internal door, then opened the door to the outside and herded it outside. I thought of taking a photo but too late as it disappeared into the garden.

About Virtual Quilter

I am a quilter who designs many more quilts than I will ever make, and I am sharing one quilt design every day in Virtual Quilter. I also share my completed projects in Stuff-Ups, and Christmas decorations in Christmas Everyday of the Year.
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2 Responses to Bush Garlands 9, 10

  1. cindythequilter says:

    Oh I so understand about mice in the house. We tend to get a bunch coming in during the late fall when it starts to get cold. I set up a bunch of traps, catch a few and then once the snow is settled in deep enough the migration seems to stop. As you said it is unusual to see one running across the room as they usually stick to the edges. Glad you got the hopping mouse outside!


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