Elevenses 1 to 5

One day someone asked if it was hard to design quilts in Electric Quilt 6, which set me off and I wrote several posts about how I go about it, then I offered the chance to play with the eleven blocks I selected for a new series. I said at the time I wouldn’t show anything until those who were interested had  time to see what they could do. I also asked them to show of what they could do on their own blog or to send me their results to add here if they didn’t have a blog.

The original posts have migrated to a page you can reach from the column on the right hand side, but before I had a chance to do that I had a page set up for Donna who was having too much fun, and sent me four designs. One I want to claim as mine! Further pages will be added for links to blog posts with a design using the blocks, including mine.

So, time to serve Elevenses!

The first one up the top has plenty of diagonal lines, which I like, and plenty of horizontal and vertical lines which I like.

But not quite so many in such close contact!

That’s much better, much lighter, and the applique block opens up the centre.

What if I put in some discrete sashing.

Yeah, it’s sort of OK. Not too sure about those broken lines now!

Like this ……. by this point I am starting to have fun and know I am going to find lots of stuff I like using the eleven blocks. BUT, I think I would like to make it a bit more washed out

(It’s getting towards the end of summer, and I am starting to feel quite jaded, faded and plain washed out! I want a quilt to match.)

Remove the sashing again, wash things out, change some more blocks into the design.

I can live with that!

Now you can go see what Donna did ……. or click on the Elevenses tag at the top and you will find the link at the bottom of the page …… or look for the link in the right hand column! Donna doesn’t have a blog, but is willing to show what she can do with Electric Quilt here.

There are more to come , so keep watching ………..

About Virtual Quilter

I am a quilter who designs many more quilts than I will ever make, and I am sharing one quilt design every day in Virtual Quilter. I also share my completed projects in Stuff-Ups, and Christmas decorations in Christmas Everyday of the Year.
This entry was posted in Applique, Elevenses, Patchwork, Quilt and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Elevenses 1 to 5

  1. Glynis says:

    Great designs Judy. I was worried some of our designs might end up the same but so far so good, however, some of mine are leaning more towards Donna’s style actually!


    • Glynis,

      I thought we might be a bit closer than we are, but didn’t really know what to expect! I think we all prefer using a different combination of blocks, though evetually I will use them all.

      Judy B


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