The Drunkard’s Path Pattern

This is the design I call Drunkard’s Path.

It is one of several which carry the name, but it was the one which I found most often labelled as Drunkard’s Path during the first few years after I became  quilter, though it often had other names as well.

What if I make a slight change of fabric colour on one of the diagonals?

I call this variation Twisted Ribbons, Twisted Streamers or Twisted Path.

Both of these have the pieces in exactly the same places, but with the fabric changed.

What if every second block is a mirror reverse of the ones touching it on all four sides?

Double Twist?

But what if you start twisting and turning the squares with the bite taken out of them?

Circle of Crowns

Spinning Daisies

Testing 1231

How could I keep them in some sort of order so I didn’t keep repeating the same variations, and maybe missing some different ones in the confusion!

5 Responses to The Drunkard’s Path Pattern

  1. Pingback: GIVE AND TAKE Fabric Applique Trunk SHow « Satin Moon's Blog

  2. Val Warren says:

    circle of crowns is my favourite will the pattern be available


    • I am getting the message from a couple of people that they are interested in some of the Patchwork Jigsaws. I have gathered together all my scribbles, workshop notes etc and they are near the top of the list to be worked on.

      Interesting … I am working on a laptop next to a desktop, and I think the pile of paper is bigger than the two combined!

      I won’t promise to let you know when they are available, but keep checking back every so often!


  3. Pingback: PJ 1134 Fools Puzzle with Pedestal Border 1, 2, 3 and Fools Puzzle with Pedestals and Twist | Virtual Quilter

  4. Pingback: Uitdaging voor onze tentoonstelling in 2018 | De patchmadammekes van Vilvoorde

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